We’re Back (We think)

It has been about 5 days since ERC has posted anything about their daily activities due to the recent storms. So we are posting last week’s blogs today.
July 21,2006
We were all pleased to have helped/participated in the effort [at Calvary Cemetery] to restore the little we have of St. Louis prairie. Soon after we started working it started raining, we all headed for the van. Very happy to be soaking wet, we countinued our day at LREC.
July 20, 2006
Thursday July 20,2006
The ERC was at Shaw Nature Reserve. When we were there we met up with James Trager and we collected seeds. We collected Bee Balm, Ohio Hosremint and Woodland Brome in the morning.
July 19,2006
Today we went to the Missouri Botanical Gardens and took a tour of the Herbarium and the Center for Plant Conservation. At the CPC we looked at some of the rare plant species that they have living there [in the Garden]. After all that we took a long van ride to Shaw Nature Reserve. At the reserve we cooked dinner and then the lights went out and we went on a walk in the dark with no flashights and we couldn’t see anything but it ws fun.