ERC Day 2

Edward D.- “Today we continued our study of ecology. We went out to the front prairie to get acquainted with some wildflowers (coneflower, “popular plant” or wild bergamot, etc.,) and plants (cup plants, sedge, Kentucky blue grass, etc.). On the way back to the cabin, we were asked to identify some of the trees near the driveway. Eastern redbud, white oak, and several other oaks were among them. Compound and simple as well as opposite and alternate leaves were the “critical hints” to find the corresponding one in the Missouri tree identification book.
When the clock ticked 10:30, we were on our way to the Shaw Natre Reserve (SNR). Katie, a SNR staff emmber, welcomed us warmly as we entered the magnificent cabin. (I wouldn’t say it’s better than the LREC’s, but it had a whole lot of space!) Then she introduced us to the cabins that we are going to stay the next day. These houses, according to Katie, were originally moved from other plaes. I thought whoever did this had done a nice job. The houses looked in good shape despite the fact that they are old ones.
Wetlands and larger prairies were our next destination. Katie told us that the plants living in the wetlands have an amazing growth rate- a few days ago they were below your knee, and the next thing you know they are going to outgrow your height. Compass plant and other plants were new, too, and many interesting shapes of them will definitely help in memorizing those specimens.
Well, this had been a long day for all of us, epecially for the two instructors- Sean and Leslie. And thanks for Claire’s idea at a little interactive game “ice breaker” which helped us to know a little bit more about each other. The next day we will be staying in this absolutely beautiful place in SNR and I’m looking forward to it, definitely.”