ERC’s Last Day

On the last day of ERC the students and I each shared one thing we were curious about, one thing we learned about, one thing we were excited by, and a favorite thing we did in ERC.
Favorite thing- Shaw Nature Reserve
Curious- About Friday
Learned- So much
Favorite thing- drawing for creek mapping
Learned- what a watershed is
Curious- what I would learn
Learned- creeks
Excited- the pizza at the open house
Favorite thing- Shaw Nature Reserve
Learned- creeks, creek mapping, prairies as systems, watersheds & how they connect everthing
Favorite thing- being outdoors all summer
Curious- how much we would learn thoughout the program
Excited- Being able to return to Shaw
Learned- that the students trust me to not lose them in the woods
Curious- Will the stundents stay in contact?
Day 18 (16).JPG