May13Tyson Research Center Announces Summer Seminar SeriesJennifer Krause, LREC WebmasterEventsSeminars take place on Thursday afternoons starting shortly after 4:00 PM at the Tyson Research Center. Seminars are followed by…
Feb9Seed SowingEddie Jones, LREC Program ManagerRestorationSeeds are a big part of our work year-round here at LREC. In the spring, summer, and fall, we are…
Dec17Hooray for MRH ECC!Eddie Jones, LREC Program ManagerEducation, Outdoor LearningSo, I apparently don’t know much about blogging: reporting regularly on any subject that I want or spilling my guts…
Jul6Misty MorningEddie Jones, LREC Program ManagerEcologyIn the morning mists, a new world is revealed.
Jun8Young Feathered FriendsEddie Jones, LREC Program ManagerEcologyThere have been several sightings of young friends in the past couple of weeks. Mama ducks have been leading the…
May1Spring Warbler MigrationNancy Solodar, LREC volunteerEcologySpring migration of warblers has started and several species have been spotted and/or heard in the last two weeks. The…
Mar25Wind in the AcersEddie Jones, LREC Program ManagerEcologyThe wind was wailing in the trees yesterday. From the glass house, we heard the creeking of the sycamores and…
Sep25After the 9/14 flash flood…Eddie Jones, LREC Program ManagerEventsNote the concrete pillar that once supported the boardwalk. The deck tables were all pushed against the downstream railing. The…
Sep9Burning BuildingsSean FearsEcology, RestorationI originally posted this in the K-12 Learning channel at BrightHub: “My fiancée once posed a question to me: ‘If…
Sep9Fall Migration articleEddie Jones, LREC Program ManagerEcology**You get double points for sighting a whale!** Source: NatureWatch at (National Wildlife Federation) Please follow this link to…