So, I apparently don’t know much about blogging: reporting regularly on any subject that I want or spilling my guts to the entire universe. But I can tell you what a great experience the LREC staff and volunteers had with pre-schoolers from MRH ECC this week. With temperatures ranging from the low 20’s on Wednesday to the low 30’s on Thursday, it was uncertain how the little tykes would take to exploring the woods and prairie on these frosty morns. Well…they were champions! Both classes commented on their recent observations of squirrels on their regularly scheduled neighborhood walks. And at least one class had gone about the task of constructing a squirrel nest! Note: The students left the potential nest tenants a note indicating that they would be away for a couple of weeks of winter break.
While at LREC, the students observed the diversity of native plants that had borne seeds in the summer and fall. They also discover many footprints along the frozen trails: human and otherwise. Three cheers to the students, teachers and parents of the ECC pre-school for being such hardy and enthusiastic nature explorers.